Subject: NSTAR Green Rate Change
From: "NSTAR Green" <>
Date: 1/26/2012 2:33 PM
To: <our customer>

Thank you for your ongoing support of clean, renewable power. Your decision to participate in NSTAR Green helps reduce fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, and increase the sustainability of the renewable energy industry and our environment.

Here is an important update about the NSTAR Green premium.

Effective March 1, 2012 the NSTAR Green 50 premium will increase to 3.328 cents per kWh from 2.534 cents per kWh. And the NSTAR Green 100 premium will increase to 6.379 cents per kWh from 4.791 cents per kWh. For the average NSTAR Green 100 customer using 500 kilowatt-hours per month this will add approximately $8 to your total monthly bill when compared to your recent electric bills. And for the average NSTAR Green 50 customer this will add approximately $4 to your total bill when compared to your recent electric bills.

As a reminder, the premium for NSTAR Green is added to the Basic Service rate in the "generation" portion of your bill. Just as NSTAR does not make any profit on the fossil fuel generated electricity we purchase on customers' behalf, we also do not make a profit on the electricity generated by wind power.

NSTAR has a long-term contract with the wind farms that supply NSTAR Green customers, but we must still make adjustments to the premium due to changes in the market price for electricity.

More NSTAR Green information, including pricing, terms and conditions and a product label are available under "Customer Information" on At our web site you can also choose to change your NSTAR Green option (e.g. from 100 to 50), or end participation in NSTAR Green.

Again, thank you for your ongoing support of clean, renewable wind power in our region.

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